전자식 UV안정기 (ELECTRONIC UV BALLAST) / 고압수은UV램프, 메탈할라이드 램프용 > LONG ARC UV BALLAST

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전자식 안정기 PHASER 6, 450 | 전자식 UV안정기 (ELECTRONIC UV BALLAST) / 고압수은UV램프, 메탈할라이드 램프용

페이지 정보

작성자 디티엑스 작성일22-02-14 13:28 조회309회 댓글0건


전자식 UV안정기 (ELECTRONIC UV BALLAST) / 고압수은UV램프, 메탈할라이드 램프용


PHASER 6/450 (6 KW)  

PHASER 7/450 (7 KW)





4d2928f97708d32cca416a7a7c31a1e7_1644812808_6052.gif FEATURES



Universal use in the nominal power class of 3.0 – 6.0 kW (Phaser 6) / 4.0 - 7.5 kW (Phaser 7),

this means ONE power supply drives different types of UV-lamps in the above named power class


Step less and quick adjustment of UV-lamp power, e.g. for step less adjustment of UV-power relative to the speed of a printing machine; or with interrupted process (e.g. quick power pulsing); or to adjust UV-power relative to lamp ageing.


To be placed in a cabinet or similar cooled housings, with max. temperature inside 40° C


Constant wattage UV-lamp output according to power settings


Not influenced by mains voltage fluctuation


Wide range of 3-phase mains voltages from 379 to 509 V, 50 and 60 Hz, including missing phase detection


Controlled by DC 0...10 V


Output is protected against ground faults, overload and short circuits, additionally open circuit

causes no problems


Easy to install and less wiring needed, no phase angle correction and no external ignitor needed


Lighter and in many cases smaller as a conventional power supply


In accordance to DIN VDE 0160 and other European and world wide standards (IEC)


CE sign, EMC according to EN 55011, group I, class A (industrial areas)





4d2928f97708d32cca416a7a7c31a1e7_1644812895_1466.gif TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS


Output Characteristics

 PHASER 6 / 450

 PHASER 7 / 450

Power range

 0.6 - 6.0 kW

 0.75 - 7.0 kW

Max. lamp voltage

 100 - 450 V

 100 - 450 V

Max. lamp current

 1.5 - 15 A

 1.8 - 18 A




Input Requirements



Power supply voltage

 376 - 509 V

 376 - 509 V

Power line current

 3 x 15 A (at 6.0 kW)

 3 x 17 A (at 7.5 kW)

Power line frequency

 50 - 60 Hz

 50 - 60 Hz




Electrical Properties



Electrical efficiency

 91 - 93%

 92 - 94%

Power factor



Power line loading

 Symmetrically on 3 Phases

 Symmetrically on 3 Phases


 L1, L2, L3, PE

 L1, L2, L3, PE

Ambient temperature

 0 - 40° C (32 to 104 F)

 0 - 40° C (32 to 104 F)




Physical Properties



Dimensions (LxWxH)

 400 x 125 x 270 mm

 400 x 125 x 270 mm


 14 kg

 15 kg




Notice : Specifications subject to change without notice.

상호 : 디티엑스 ㅣ 주소 : 경기도 시흥시 정왕천로 197, A-512 (정왕동, 동우디지털파크)
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