EUV & Vacuum UV 검사시스템 (EUV & Vacuum UV INPECTION SYSTEM) > 검사시스템

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UV & VUV 검사 시스템 | EUV & Vacuum UV 검사시스템 (EUV & Vacuum UV INPECTION SYSTEM)

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작성자 디티엑스 작성일22-02-14 13:41 조회416회 댓글0건


EUV & Vacuum UV 검사시스템




EUV and VUV Inspection systems provide high resolution (typically down to less than 10 microns), high dynamic range (12 to 16 bit) as well as good temporal resolution (down to microsecond range) that are necessary for modern pulsed plasma discharge EUV sources.

The system can acquire single shot or synchronized multiple shot images at up to 13fps at full resolution from a native EUV source without suffering from bleeding artifacts.
Flanged and/or in vacuum versions are available depending on the flexibility required for either mask blank / resist / source / optic characterization and inspection.

Sensitivity response can be extended from 13.5 nm up to 0,0135 nm should the system be used to sense multiple characteristic lines. Deep cooling allows very low dark current down to less than 0.005 electron/pixel/sec for extended exposure should very faint signal requires long integration periods.



4d2928f97708d32cca416a7a7c31a1e7_1644813558_9962.gif 적용분야


• EUV resin characterization

• Soft X-ray astronomy

• XUV plasma diagnostic

• EUV mirror / grating calibration

• spectroscopy

• forensics

• Pinhole imaging of Z-pinch soft X-ray source

• soft x-ray microscopy

• 2 dimensional elemental mapping

• coherent soft X-ray imaging

• EUV lithography


4d2928f97708d32cca416a7a7c31a1e7_1644813627_4427.gif 특징 및 장점 (ADVANTAGES)


Smalll pixel size less < 15microns pixel size.

Cooled CCD sensor with 55 degree C delta T.

2 tap 3MHz frequency

Sensor size from 19 and 38mm diagonal.

Beryllium input windows.

Very low read out noise < 30 electrons.

High detection efficiency between 0.1 and 8

  keV with near single photon counting detection


Very low dark current with less than 1 electron

  per pixel per second (cooling options for

  further noise reduction).

Simultaneous integration / read out. Enabling

  100% duty cycle acquisition.

On chip binning.

Detector synchronisation: pixel locked for  dual channel acquisition.

Camera link and GigE digital interface.

Low profile electronics.

Air cooled / water cooled option.



4d2928f97708d32cca416a7a7c31a1e7_1644813568_545.gif 기술 사양 (SPECIFICATIONS)

Cooled megapixel XUV CCD camera  

Cooled 4 megapixel XUV CCD camera

. 1024 (h) x 1024 (v) CCD array

. 2048 (h) x 2048 (v) CCD array

. Input pixel size: 13 x 13microns

. Input pixel size: 15 x 15microns

. 19mm diagonal

. 43mm diagonal

. 5 fps at full resolution @ 2x3 MHz

. 1,5 fps at full resolution @ 2x3 MHz

. Read out noise: 25 electrons @ 2x3 MHz,

. Read out noise: 25 electrons @ 2x3 MHz,

. Full well capacity: 100,000 electrons in binning1x1

. Full well capacity: 100,000 electrons in binning-


. Dark current: <1 electron / pixel / second

. Dark current: <1 electron / pixel / second

. 14-bit digitisation

. 14-bit digitisation

. Camera link / GigE nterface

. Camera link / GigE nterface

. Synchronisation / control: via TTL pulse or pixel


. Synchronisation / control: via TTL pulse or pixel





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상호 : 디티엑스 ㅣ 주소 : 경기도 시흥시 정왕천로 197, A-512 (정왕동, 동우디지털파크)
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