Xenon Corporation’s flashlamps provide true sunlight simulation for reliable,
repeatable testing of photovoltaic cells and solar modules. Custom flashlamp
designs deliver optimum lighting engineered to accelerate product testing and
ensure product quality in process control applications. The instant on/off
capability of pulsed xenon lamps enables either single-pulse or multi-pulse
applications where controlled artificial sunlight is required. Pulsed lamps also
remain off until testing is performed, thereby eliminating undesired heat
buildup of cells and modules while reducing energy consumption.
Xenon Corporation pioneered the application of high intensity xenon pulsed
light for photovoltaic cell and module testing during the early 1980’s. Xenon
flashlamps and electronics were supplied to Arco Solar, an early leader in
manufacturing solar modules. Xenon’s pulsed xenon flashlamps demonstrated their
ability to solve problems of insufficient energy and high heat when a continuous
(CW) light source was used. Xenon Corporation continues to be a major supplier
of flashlamps to the global solar simulation industry.
Applications of solar simulation
• Photovoltaic cell testing • Solar module testing • Materials
Testing • Photobiology
Applications of solar simulation
• Available in a variety of shapes and sizes : linear, spiral, bulb,
serpentine, U- shape • Linear lamps available in lengths up to 6-meters •
Designed for applications in systems with output powers from 100 to 3000
Watts • Capable of meeting international solar simulator standards ASTM
E927-05, JIS C 8912-1989 and IEC 904-09 when used with optical filter •
Instant on/off lamp flashing eliminates target heat buildup and offers reduced
overall system energy when compared to CW arc lamps