SOLAR UV-B > 적용분야별 모델

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태양광 측정분야 | SOLAR UV-B

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작성자 디티엑스 작성일22-02-11 15:58 조회287회 댓글0건




(Photo courtesy of





UV-B is a band of ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths from 280-320 nanometers produced by the Sun. UV-B refers to a specific portion of the sun’s energy reaching the earth’s surface. This type of radiation accounts for only a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum but it has a unusually large photobiological effect. Both plants and animals are affected by increases in UV-B radiation.

UV radiation plays a role in the degradation of all polymeric materials as well as biological systems. It also acts as a germicide, a fungicide, and a batericide in agriculture and biological systems. UV-B radiation is responsible for a wide range of damaging human and animal health effects, primarily related to the skin (skin cancers), eyes (cataracts), and the immune system. Possible eye damage can result from high doses of UV light, particularly to the cornea which easily absorbs UV light.

International Light Solar UV-B systems include the IL1735 Solar UV-B Radiometer, and the IL1435 Solar UV-B Radiometer. Both feature the new SPS300 Super Solar-Blind UV filter, which when used in conjunction with the SED240 Solar Blind Vacuum Photodiode, provides a billion-to-one vis/IR rejection. Thsi is a critical feature, since nearly all of the sun's energy is in the longer wavelengths.

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