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레이저 측정분야 | LASER

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작성자 디티엑스 작성일22-02-11 15:56 조회296회 댓글0건



International Light has instruments designed for simple laser power measurements in the visible and near IR that can be used even by non-technical personnel.

The IL1455 Laser Power Radiometer has an internal integrating sphere in the SPL024F detector that ensures proper beam aiming, with a uniform translation response and a flat response over its spectral range of 350 to 1060 nm. With a measuring range from 100 nanowatts to 300 milliwatts that reads out alphanumerically in SI units, the IL1455 is a low cost, simple, accurate system for measurement of low power continuous lasers such as Argon, HeNe, NdYAG, and laser diodes.

The IL1755 Research Radiometer offers more powerful features for measuring CW (continuous wave) lasers and laser diodes for pulses greater than 5 µS. the SED033/F/QNDS3/H/N/K15 detector has a flat spectral response from 400 to 1000 nm, a uniform angular spatial response over its large, 1.7 cm2 input aperture, and a dynamic range from 5 microwatts to 200 Watts. (At 200 Watts the maximum exposure time is 40 seconds). The SAP calibration is available for the IL1755 system, providing sensitivity factors every 10 nm over the spectral bandbass of the detector.





This 100 mm2 silicon detector with flat response filter and attenuator measures laser light rom 400 to 1064 nm.
Dynamic Range: 2 x 10-8 to 3.5 x 10-3 W.
Dimensions: 25 mm x 43 mm diameter.


This laser Probe measures UV and visible laser power from 250 to 680 nm.
Dynamic Range: 8 x 10-4 to 200 W (limited exposure)
Dimensions: 150 mm x 42 mm diameter.




This UV Laser Power Probe is sensitive into the deep UV.
Dynamic Range: 5 x 10-8 to 5 x 10-2 watts.
Spectral Range: 185 to 310 nm.


This thermopile with narrow beam adapter can measure pulsed or CW laser light from 200 to 2100 nm.
Dynamic Range: 2 x 10-3 to 18 W.
Dimensions: 140 mm x 42 mm diameter



Relative Spectral Responsivity of IL Laser, Laser Diode and Fiber Optic Detectors

상호 : 디티엑스 ㅣ 주소 : 경기도 시흥시 정왕천로 197, A-512 (정왕동, 동우디지털파크)
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